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    “搭配”(collocation)是指频繁共现的关联词对。搭配是程式语的一种,它比成语、词串更灵活,比自由词语组合更巩固。大量的言语产出研究发现,搭配的运用让语言表达更流畅,更准确。搭配知识是二语学习的重要内容,掌握搭配知识能有效促进学习者的阅读、写作等产出和接受技能。搭配分为语法搭配(e.g., by chance)和词语搭配(e.g.,heavy rain)。
    搭配是心理语言学、二语教学、语料库语言学等领域重要的研究课题。英语搭配的研究开始较早,并且已取得了丰硕的研究成果。汉语搭配,被广泛用于汉语书面和口语当中,然而,相关的研究却十分鲜见。众所周知,汉语与拼音文字的书写系统非常不同,汉语既不存在标记词边界的空格,也不存在任何其他标记词边界信息的语法特征,如英文中的词缀等等。汉语书写系统本身的特性导致汉语中的词具有模糊性以外,读者对词的概念也非常模糊,不同的人对词边界的划分不尽一致(Li et al. 2011),这无疑增加了汉语阅读中搭配加工的难度。由于英汉两种语言存在诸多差异,所以英语搭配的研究成果未必能完全解释汉语搭配加工机制。
    本书得到了教育人文社会科学研究青年基金项目 (19YJC740027)和浙大宁波理工学院外国语学院著作出版资助。本书在撰写的过程中得到了我的导师浙江大学王小潞教授、曲阜师范大学李德高教授和英国莱斯特大学实验心理学与视觉科学学院凯文·B·佩特森(Kevin B. Paterson)教授的指导和帮助,在此表示诚挚的谢意。本书的出版还要特别感谢浙大宁波理工学院外国语学院领导和同事们的大力支持和帮助。


    Chapter 1 Introduction 1
    1.1 Research background 1
    1.2 Research objectives and questions 10
    1.3 Research significance 12
    1.4 Organization of the dissertation 14
    Chapter 2 Literature Review 16
    2.1 Working definition of collocations 16
    2.2 Classification of collocations 20
    2.3 Identification of collocations 21
    2.4 Theoretical framework 23
    2.4.1 Lexical priming theory 24
    2.4.2 Usage-based theory and exemplar-based theory 26
    2.4.3 Holistic processing theories 29
    2.4.4 Analytic processing theory 31
    2.4.5 Parallel processing theory 32
    2.5 The processing of English collocation 33
    2.5.1 The processing advantage of English collocation 33
    2.5.2 Processing patterns of English collocation 38
    2.5.3 Factors affecting the processing of English collocation 41
    2.6 The processing of Chinese formulaic language 58
    2.6.1 The processing of Chinese idioms 58
    2.6.2 The processing of Chinese collocations 62
    2.7 Conclusion 64
    Chapter 3 Methodology 66
    3.1 Introduction 66
    3.2 Eye movements during reading 67
    3.2.1 Background information of eye movements 67
    3.2.2 Eye-tracking technology 72
    3.2.3 Eye movement measures 73
    3.2.4 Models of eye movement control during reading 75
    3.2.5 Parafoveal processing during reading 81
    3.3 Conclusion 88
    Chapter 4 Study I: The Processing Advantages of Chinese Collocations 89
    4.1 Introduction 89
    4.2 Experiment 1: Comparison between Chinese collocations and non-collocations 90
    4.2.1 Method 90
    4.2.2 Results 96
    4.2.3 Discussion 99
    4.3 Conclusion 101
    Chapter 5 Study II: Holistic or Analytic Processing 102
    5.1 Introduction 102
    5.2 Experiment 2: Manipulating the preview of the noun 108
    5.2.1 Method 108
    5.2.2 Results 113
    5.2.3 Discussion 117
    5.3 Experiment 3: Manipulating the preview of the last character 119
    5.3.1 Method 119
    5.3.2 Results 123
    5.3.3 Discussion 127
    5.4 Conclusion 128
    Chapter 6 Study III: Influencing Factors 130
    6.1 Introduction 130
    6.2 Experiment 4: Effects of collocation strength and context 134
    6.2.1 Methods 134
    6.2.2 Results 138
    6.2.3 Discussion 141
    6.3 Experiment 5: Effects of association strength and context 143
    6.3.1 Methods 143
    6.3.2 Results 148
    6.3.3 Discussion 152
    6.4 Conclusion 153
    Chapter 7 General Discussion 157
    7.1 Introduction 157
    7.2 The processing features of Chinese collocations 157
    7.2.1 Quicker processing for collocations than non-collocations 157
    7.2.2 Integration of both holistic and analytical processing 160
    7.2.3 Linguistic factors influencing collocational processing 163
    7.3 The processing model for Chinese verb-noun collocations 166
    7.4 Conclusion 169
    Chapter 8 Conclusion 170
    8.1 Major findings 170
    8.2 Implications 172
    8.2.1 Theoretical implications 172
    8.2.2 Practical implications 175
    8.3 Limitations and suggestions for future studies 176
    8.3.1 Limitations 176
    8.3.2 Suggestions for future studies. 177
    Appendices 178
    Appendix 1: Materials for Experiment 1 178
    Appendix 2: Materials for Experiment 2 185
    Appendix 3: Substitute Characters for Experiment 2 191
    Appendix 4: Materials for Experiment 3 194
    Appendix 5: Substitute Characters for Experiment 3 200
    Appendix 6: Materials for Experiment 4 203
    Appendix 7: Materials for Experiment 5 212
    References 220